Portal Ecuador

Portal Ecuador.

29-08-2024 16:47

Acuerdos entre organizaciones de izquierda en Ecuador para 2025

Diálogos fructíferos sin definir candidatura presidencial conjunta

Rueda de prensa de las organizaciones sociales por la Unidad de la Izquierda.

Un importante paso se ha dado en la política ecuatoriana con la culminación de conversaciones entre partidos de izquierda para la creación de un proyecto de gobierno en conjunto para las próximas elecciones. Aunque se lograron consensos en políticas públicas esenciales, aún no se ha llegado a un acuerdo en cuanto a la candidatura presidencial conjunta.

Revolutionary Citizenry, Pachakutik, the Ecuadorian Socialist Party, Democratic Center, and Total Renewal were among the participating movements in the dialogues. Despite their efforts, not all topics reached a consensus, leaving uncertainties regarding a complete alliance.

Eight minimum agreements were reached on public policies, including strategies for peace, economic reactivation, and the transition towards a post-extractive country. However, subjects such as a possible constitutional reform and the role of the Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control remained pending.

Samuel Lema, coordinator of the platform for left-wing unity organizations, mentioned that while progress was made in drafting a governance plan, consensus has not been reached on establishing a unified presidential candidate.

Ultimately, it was confirmed that there will not be a single political alliance among left-wing parties and movements for the 2025 elections. Each group will retain the freedom to present its own candidates, potentially fragmenting the progressive vote in the upcoming elections.

Lema emphasized the importance of unity as a fundamental goal for the left-wing aspirations in Ecuador, acknowledging the limited time available to achieve it.